Saturday, February 14, 2015

Team Development

   During the adjourning stage of team development, it is the time when the team members complete their tasks and say good-bye. I believe that during this stage it is harder to leave some groups than others. A group that would be hard to leave is one where the team members made real connections with one another and even had high performance throughout the project or task. I believe that groups with clear and established norms can be hard to leave because of the high performance situations and the positive interactions through these norms and performances.
   I have been a part of many groups. Some groups were hard to leave while others were very easy. The groups that were the hardest to leave was when I made real connections with the other group members. One group for me that was the hardest to say good-bye was at my last job. I had to leave because I found a better job suited for my family but it was hard for me to leave my co-workers because of the connections that I made. We helped each other greatly professionally and personally and had great team building experiences. Having time to say good-bye was a great ritual that helped me to leave and know that I was making a the right decision. It made me still feel support from others about my decision and that my former co-workers would still be in contact with me.
   Upon leaving my time at Walden University I believe that having the support and knowledge from my other colleagues will help me to feel better about having to say good-bye and prepare me for my future endeavors. Having the time to say good-bye and taking what I have learned can help me in leaving my colleagues that has helped me along the way to gain my master's degree.


  1. Heather,
    That must have been so difficult for you but also sounds as if it was a great learning experience. I had a similar experience when I left my last position. I loved working for the organization but the commute was too much on my growing family. When I left, the executive director gave me a bracelet and the charm said "What is for you will not pass you". I love that saying and at that moment felt fully supported and knew I was making the right decision. Thank you for reminding me of that feeling through your story.

  2. I to have been a part of many groups some I cared for and some I just couldn't wait to get out of. But I agree with you that it takes the support of the group to give those make it or break it moments. Sometimes my professional life pushes of me to be a party of groups I generally wouldn't be a part of. At times they turn out to be truly great experiences that give that feeling of what you described. Thanks for sharing.
