My parents have been a big supporter throughout my life. Not only with my personal challenges but with any other challenge that I might have faced in my life such as educational needs. My parents helped support me developmentally as a child and even helped me financially with my education as an adult. With their support I was able to grow and continue to grow in life's challenges.
My friends are also there to support me throughout my life. My friends are able to sit and listen and support me in all of life's challenges. They are able to give me confidence and friendship that helps me be able to talk openly about my life without judgement and ridicule. I am so glad that I am able to have the support of my friends.
On a professional support my co-workers are a great support system. They help me with daily challenges in the workplace and are there for advising me if there is a challenge or situation. We are all able to connect and talk about what goes on in our classrooms and able to talk with each other to give support to each other. Our director also encourages this close support system because it really does help us to gain more perspectives with what is going on in our classrooms.
Without my support systems I would not be able to accomplish all that I have in life. I would be a person that would not be self -confident and I would feel as if I did not matter. I think that having a support system provides me with life skills that I need to face certain challenges in my life.
I imagined a challenge in my life that I currently do not have. I would think that being unemployed would be a huge challenge in my life. I would need a lot of support from many different sources to help me get through this challenge. I would need the emotional and financial support from my husband if I did not have a job. It would not only be hard on my emotionally but also financially as a family. I would also want the help and support of my friends and extended family to help me emotionally and maybe even by supporting me in finding a job. I think that this challenge for me could not be overcome without the support of these people. It would be difficult for me to deal with something this hard emotionally and not have any support from anyone. Thinking about shelter, food, and many other essential in life that require money when I am not making any is a big challenge that I would hope to overcome by help from my support system. Having a support system can make all the difference in who we are and what we do and handle life.